WHEN it comes to making the investment of buying a house or an apartment, there are a lot of options to consider. Ensuring you know what the best decisions are for you are crucial to see a fruitful investment. The best way to get to that point is a little bit of research on your part.
As a starting point, there are three main branches of thought for you to consider. Firstly, the economics of the area is something to look at. Where is the money being made, what is its likely future and can you imagine it having the potential to reap good returns on your property investment?
Secondly, look at the current state of the surrounding properties. Is the market saturated with cheap housing? If so, it might be a good idea to stay out of that area. Also, look to the future of the area and its housing market potential. If it has the potential of growing dramatically in the next few years, that could cause an oversaturated market and leave you out of pocket. Finally, look at affordability of the area. Make sure that you can offer a price that is affordable in that area – this will in turn create a highly desirable locale.
Outwith looking at these three things, you will need to look at the specific differences of investing in an apartment compared to a house. Both options have their own key factors to consider and take into account before investing.
What Is The Smarter Investment – Houses Or Apartments?
Apartments and units are an excellent entry point into the housing market due to their relatively low cost and wide availability in different areas. This ability to not only enter the market a little early, as well as the flexibility of its area should both be considered dependant on your own level of investment. For example, the lower price of an apartment can help increase your portfolio quite quickly if you’re new to the housing market.
Houses are a more expensive, but it holds its value better than an apartment. Investing in a house will take a lot of effort, though. All of the maintenance, insurance and upkeep fees land solely on your shoulders. One of the main draws, though, is that the land itself will always appreciate over time. Better yet, if you keep the property in good repair, the property should also see appreciation, making for a much more sound investment opportunity.